CHILDREN at St Peter’s Primary School in Portishead have launched a campaign to keep pupils safe on the roads close to their school.

The school council, made up of representatives from each year group, voted to take the matter into their own hands after pleas to stop irresponsible driving and parking outside the Halletts Way school fell on deaf ears.

Accompanied by parents and staff, students armed with clipboards asked parents who had driven in to the cul-de-sac leading to the school, a series of questions as to why they felt the need to drive so close to school when there are designated park and walk areas.

Headteacher Sharon Roberts said: “Traffic manoeuvring in close proximity to the school poses a huge danger to pedestrians.

“We have been asking parents not to drive in for years to help keep our children safe, but as there is no law preventing them from doing so, some of them just simply refuse to heed our pleas.”

The school operates a travel plan aimed at encouraging pupils to walk or cycle to school as part of its healthy living project.

For those who live too far away, the town council and High Street businesses offer the use of car parks at the beginning and end of school, to help combat traffic congestion and assist in road safety outside the school.