A NEW indoor cycle studio has opened in Portishead.

Former community interest company, Fox Cycling, has launched a new fitness centre at Kestrel Court in Harbour Road.

With top-of-the-range equipment, an extensive timetable of different classes from beginners to bespoke sessions using computerised bikes and the latest software, the studio is already proving to be a hit with locals.

Manager Angela Reed-Fox, who is a Queen’s Nurse, a title gained for providing high standards of nursing in the community, said: “Helping people to get fitter is important to me and the cycle studio is an ideal place for people who want to get fit but feel intimidated by regular gyms.

“We’re positioning ourselves in the centre of the community because we care and because we want to see people thrive.”

With a British cycling coach on the team, Angela says Fox Cycling has some of the best people in the area. She added: “We have not only recruited experienced instructors, but have looked for people who care and who we know are committed to exceeding our customers’ expectations.”

The organisation will soon be able to take on GP referrals for people needing to lose weight or who are dealing with long-term health conditions like diabetes and heart disease, or those rehabilitating after a stroke.

It also offers an online cycling programme that people who have their own static bikes, can participate in from the comfort of their own homes.