Old Bristolians Fourths 4-4 Clevedon Ladies

The game at Gordano School proved to be a great match for the neutral, with end to end play and goals galore.

The Clevedon team had a 'Barzotelli spine' with Libby at the back and her daughters Eliza and Beth down the middle. 

Each side tested the defences but it was OBs who took the lead, they then enjoyed the greater possession but an attack by Lucy Pope down the right saw her cross met by Vicky Ford who put an unstoppable shot into the roof of the net for the equaliser.

Play then swung from end to end before the home side regained the lead, but Clevedon re-grouped with Hannah Becker raiding down the wing and Maggie King mopping up OBs attacks aided by the hard working and skilful Eliza Barzotelli.

It seemed only a matter of time before Beth Barzotelli got herself on the score sheet, she took the ball from deep into the opposing D, created space for herself and placed the ball beyond the keeper to make the score 2-2 at the break.

OB's asked questions of the Clevedon defence but found defender Libby Barzotelli and keeper Christina Becker in great form, they did however find a way through to take the lead. Then Beth Barzotelli, to the delight of the Clevedon supporters went on a dazzling run which took her into the D where she struck a powerful shot to make it 3-3 not long after she completed her hat-trick to put the visitors in front for the first time in the match.

Clevedon then went so close to increasing their lead following a short corner, the shot going agonisingly wide.

More pressure form the home side, more great play from the Clevedon defenders but they couldn't prevent the equaliser. There were opportunities for both sides but the final whistle saw them share the points.

On Saturday Clevedon travel to play top of the table Westberries 4th, in a 4pm start at Coombe Dingle.