MENDIP Activity Centre has said that it is "delighted" to support a North Somerset bobsleigh athlete in the Europa Cup 2024.

Jens Hullah, from Shipham, learnt to ski at Mendip Activity Centre during his time at Churchill Secondary School.

Finding that he had a knack for the sport, he then went on a school ski trip in Austria, which eventually led to him discovering his love of bobsleigh.

Jens' team currently stands 5th overall in the International Bobsleigh two-man Europa Cup ranking.

A spokesperson from the Mendip Activity Centre said: "We are delighted to introduce you to Great Britain Bobsleigh athlete Jens Hullah!

"Mendip Activity Centre are sponsoring Jens, who is from Shipham in North Somerset, as he represents the Great Britain Bobsleigh Team at the Europa Cup 2024.

"Jens' passion for winter sports started during his time at Churchill Secondary School; it was as a student here that he learned to ski at Mendip Activity Centre. The experience on Mendip's dry ski slope led to a school ski trip in Austria and that enthusiasm has led him to pursue bobsleigh."