Nailsea Bowls Club recently buried a Time Capsule to commemorate King Charles III’s Coronation and to recognise recent major work at the club.

The Time Capsule will be dug up in 2048 to share with future members of this momentous year.

The wooden boards, last replaced 25 years ago, that supported the green begun to rot and collapse. Members have worked hard over the winter months to replace the boards and to ensure the green was ready for play at the start of the summer season, on April 17.

As part of their celebrations of the King's Coronation, Nailsea invite everyone to come and give bowls a try on Sunday May 7 from 2pm.

Bowls is a great sport for all ages; a way to keep active, improve fitness and co-ordination, and to enhance mental well-being. In addition, there is a great social atmosphere both on, and off the green.

Nailsea are joining with the local tennis club to show what is on offer at Mizzymead Recreation Centre. 

The Coronation Open Day event is for all the family with face painting, bouncy castle, mini disco, magic show, puppet show, penalty shootout and an ice cream van. 

For more details visit their website or for more information about the day and playing bowls email