A support group has been awarded for going the extra mile with its campaign to raise awareness of juvenile diabetes.

Nailsea, Backwell and District Diabetes Group won the Diabetes UK inspire award in the South West for going above and beyond what is expected of support groups.

Members were commended for the awareness campaign they ran last year to warn parents about the symptoms of juvenile diabetes.

The group gave out posters and fridge magnets for its 4Ts campaign to highlight the symptoms of the condition - thirsty, toilet, tired and thinner.

Members also roped in local nurseries to help them get the important message across to parents.

Group chairman Barbara Harris said: “I am delighted to report that the group has won a regional award from Diabetes UK. It is the overall local group and community award.

“This recognises some of the work we have undertaken to promote awareness of diabetes in the community and the work we do with the local CCG and community health partnership.

“Our group is run entirely by passionate volunteers who are committed to supporting local people living with diabetes and their families.

“We also fundraise and work with local health care professionals such as the local Clinical Commissioning Group and Community Health Partnership to increase awareness, improve local diabetic services and highlight Diabetes Education Days.”

Members would like to thank all the organisations and businesses which have supported them over the past year.

The group meets monthly in Nailsea.