CINEMA history, art appreciation, literature and archaeology are some of the topics which will be covered by Clevedon Adult Study Association this year.

The group was set up last year to put on interesting courses for adults who want to learn for fun and is going from strength to strength.

The first course for 2013 is The History of British Cinema 1945-1990, which began on Monday and will run weekly for six, two-hour sessions.

Taught by Maggie Choyce at The Curzon Community Cinema, anyone wishing to join the course can still do so.

This will be followed by Every Picture Tells a Story, an introduction to art appreciation which will feature five, weekly session of an hour-and-a-half, starting on January 29.

Weekend courses have also been planned for Saturdays, including the first on February 2 which is for literature lovers and will cover fiction with links to the West Country, taught by tutor Lesley Dale.

The second is an Introduction to Impressionism, being held on March 2, followed by an Introduction to Archaeology to be held on March 16.

All will be held in Clevedon.

For more details call Pat on 01275 875349 or Maggie on 877180 or email