PORTISHEAD residents who want to see the redundant Royal Oak pub become a Tesco Express have launched a website page in favour of the development.

Protesters have set up the website www.nowesthilltesco.com and a petition against the development, containing more than 2,700 signatures, has been handed in to North Somerset Council.

But now Ben Langdale and Felek Werpachowski, who live near the High Street, have hit back.

They have set up the Facebook page StopDelayingOurTescoExpress and are urging people in favour of the project to demonstrate it by registering their support online. Ben has also launched a petition which is gathering support.

He said: “The Facebook page is for people who want a Tesco Express in Portishead so they can show the town that some residents do want it.

“It is not a debating page. The Tesco haters have their petition and this is ours.”

Felek added: “We understand that people are angry because they have lost their pub, but this was closed long before Tesco showed any interest in it.”

The petition in favour of Tesco can be signed at Portishead Fish Bar in the High Street.