A CHILDREN’S charity is handing out money to businesses in the hope of raising more cash toward its work.

The Children’s Hospice South West £50 challenge sees companies given the money which they are then tasked with investing and building on over three months.

The money raised will help fund the work the charity carries out at its three hospices, including Charlton Farm in Wraxall.

Now, businesses are being encouraged to sign up for the challenge which is being backed by entrepreneur and star of the Dragons’ Den TV series, Deborah Meaden.

She said: “It is easy when times get hard to just worry about business on a day to day basis and look inward.

“Engaging with the community is so important for companies to look outward and do some real good.”

Anyone interested in taking part can find out more online at www.chsw.org.uk/the50challenge where they can also download a registration pack.