NORTH Somerset Council will soon discuss a potential devolution deal “to boost regional growth, giving local leaders new powers”.

The authority will explore a potential devolution deal in partnership with the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority at its next Executive on September 17.

If the Executive approve, North Somerset Council will ask for government support for a new devolution deal with the West of England area.

The shared economic geography of the West of England and North Somerset, together with establish cultural and transport links, means that local leaders can act at the scale needed to effectively deploy their powers.

The King’s Speech of July 2024 outlined government plans to widen and deepen devolution across England through a new English Devolution Bill, which will transfer more power out of Westminster and into the hands of local people.

The aim of the Bill is to boost regional growth, giving local leaders new powers over areas like transport, skills, training and employment support as well as over housing and planning.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, Angela Rayner, wrote to Cllr Mike Bell, leader of North Somerset Council, recently inviting the council to “partner with Government to deliver the most ambitious programme of devolution this country has ever seen”.

The Executive will therefore consider the recommendation that North Somerset Council pursues further devolution conversations with the government and its neighbouring councils.

Cllr Mike Bell, Leader of North Somerset Council, said: “The council is ambitious to promote further growth and reduce inequality for North Somerset residents but to do that we need new sources of funding and more local control.

“If we want to have the same opportunities as other parts of the country, accessing more powers for North Somerset and our region, then we need to be looking to secure a deal that works for us and for the established West of England Mayoral Combined Authority.

“North Somerset, like many parts of England, has missed out on the opportunities of devolution.

“Now is the right time for us to seize them and help grow our economy, create new jobs and build enduring partnerships with our neighbours.”

North Somerset Council will engage with partners, residents and businesses on any devolution proposals as they progress.

To read the Executive Paper, visit Committee Report NSC (

For further information on the English Devolution Bill as stated in the King’s speech, please click The King's Speech 2024 - GOV.UK (