STREET lighting columns across Nailsea are to be upgraded as part of an investment programme.

The project, which will be completed in phases over the next 10 months, will see outdated lighting column shafts replaced with new ones, and the existing LED lanterns reused.

The current columns have reached the end of their life.

The Nailsea works will be carried out in four stages by the council's street lighting contractor Centregreat Ltd and residents will be notified by letter if directly affected by the work.

Excavation work may impact on private driveways or garage access but disruption will be kept to a minimum.

Some lighting columns may also need to be moved during the process to ensure effective lighting output across roads.

The first phase of the project will be carried out in Brockley Close, Coombe Road, Elm Close, Goblin Close, Goss Barton, Goss Close, Goss Lane, Goss View, Hazelberry Road, Union Street, Wareham Close and Yew Tree Gardens.

Residents will be notified in the future of works in phases two, three, and four.