A walking group came together for one of their instructor to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support.

The North Somerset Nordic Walking Group took on the charity walk around Clevedon on May 18.

Not only was it to commemorate World Nordic Walking Day, but to support their instructor Emma Ruffle.

She was diagnosed with breast cancer last summer.

Ms Ruffle explains: "I, like many others, have undergone a gruelling treatment plan including surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and hormone therapy to fight this cancer.

"All of this with the support of many local hospitals and charities along the way, including Macmillan Cancer Support."

North Somerset Times: The route of the run was in the shape of '2024'

Partnered with International Nordic Walking Association (INWA), Ms Ruffle has successfully run her self-employed fitness business in North Somerset for two decades, leading others in achieving their health and fitness goals.

However, following the diagnosis, she described the experience as the tables being turned, with her clients giving significant support whilst she was unable to work.

She was appreciative of her fellow members' generosity to take part in the charity walk, which raised a total of £500.

North Somerset Times:

The instructor said: "So many kind, thoughtful, sincere, generous, mindful individuals have supported me through my cancer treatment whilst I’ve been unable to work.

"This weekend, they all came together, with their Nordic Walking poles, and helped me raise in excess of £500 for the Macmillan Cancer Support charity."

Macmillan Cancer Support provided physical and mental support for Ms Ruffle from diagnosis through treatment via Macmillan nurses.

The charity walk was an opportunity for her to share her story with her support group, and to give back to the organisation that had been there for her

Ms Ruffle plans to resume her role as a fitness instructor once her treatment has concluded later this year.

Her normal routine consisted of leading Nordic Walking groups and personal training throughout North Somerset for individuals of varying abilities across different terrains and locations.

Her story and the Nordic Walking Day event highlight the importance of local communities coming together to advocate for healthy living, and the significant contribution that charities like Macmillan Cancer Support make to people's lives.