WORK has started on repairing the outer wall at Clevedon Marine Lake.

Speaking yesterday (Tuesday, May 14), a Nature and Climate North Somerset spokesperson said: "Today we’re starting work at Clevedon Marine Lake.

"We’re fixing the outer wall at marine lake, to help make sure everyone can continue to enjoy swimming and relaxing at the lake for years to come.

"Today our contractors will start work at the marine lake in Clevedon, which should take around 12 weeks to complete. This follows from wall improvement works near Poet’s Walk last year.

"We’re trying to limit disruption as much as possible, and all work will be paused during the weekends. You’ll still be able to use the lake while the work is happening, though water levels might be slightly lower than normal.

"Our contractors will be working from a pontoon, which will be out on the lake between 7am and 5pm from Mondays to Fridays. While it’s not in use, it will be safely secured on the slipway."