If you've not yet found time to get outside between the deluges, please do find time to. Everything is coming up spring time. It may be squelchy underfoot but there are catkins and tiny scarlet flowers on the hazels and the woods are starting to show that vivid green haze that whispers ‘Spring is coming!’

The edible plants which are scarce in the darkest months have started to appear. Navelwort is out on old walls and rocks; its crisp texture and cucumber flavours are a delight. Young, bright green hawthorn leaves make a healthy walkers’ snack. Primroses give a special sweetness from their yellow blooms. Violet flowers bring memories of childhood sweets. The wild garlic is just getting underway- you'll smell it before you see it almost certainly. These and many more plants have myriad culinary uses.

It's always a pleasure to share nature’s bounty with others. If you'd like to get into the flavours of spring, join me for a forage and food morning in the coming weeks. 

I'm Helen from Wayfarers Outdoors. I'm passionate about encouraging people to enjoy nature. Wayfarers Outdoors offers courses on foraging, bushcraft and a range of related skills.
