Plans to build two homes next to a beloved Maple tree in Nailsea have been panned by neighbours.

Developers want to build two homes on a small grassy area on Trendlewood Way in Nailsea, opposite Avening Close. A major development is already happening on the field behind and neighbours have criticised the move.

Submitting an objection on North Somerset Council’s planning portal, one person wrote: “You’ll be removing the last vestige of green space in this area impacting quality of life for current neighbours already dealing with significant development.”

Another person warned: “I don’t believe you can construct two properties without damaging roots. Squashing two properties with small gardens and parking creating more cars to park on the road is just going to cause bigger issues for the Trendlewood area.”

You can view and comment on the plans here:

A document submitted with the plans said: “Working space on site will be extremely tight so good planning will be necessary to ensure [the tree] does not become damaged by the process.”

Fencing would be erected around the tree and the houses would be located outside of its roots protection area, it would be crossed by one of the driveways. The drive would be constructed without digging to avoid damage to the roots.

Both homes would be two-storey houses, with one having two bedrooms and the other three.