Business owners from across North Somerset met at a food safety seminar with the area's Bangladeshi community.

Over 40 individuals were involved in the meeting with North Somerset Council officers earlier this month.

Amongst the attendees was the council's food and commercial health and safety team, trading standards team, and a Bangladeshi-speaking food safety consultant.

Those in attendance were also told the local authority intend to hold such events in the future with other sectors.

This continues the trend of previous similar food safety seminars addressing other sectors like child-minders.

North Somerset Times: The council intends to hold such events for other sectors in the future

Cllr James Clayton, North Somerset Council's executive member with responsibility for regulatory services, said: "We'll always try and find innovative and cost effective ways to support our business communities and I'm really pleased that our teams were able to help and be part of this session.

"The feedback we've had since is that the seminar was incredibly well received and it enhanced understanding and knowledge."

He added: "The topics covered were particularly enlightening and provided the business owners with a deeper insight into what to expect when they receive a food hygiene inspection so they feel well equipped to ensure high standards."

Mr Clayton also went on to show his gratitude towards Mr Ershad Ali for hosting the event at The Curry Garden in Weston.

Business owners who are interested in arranging a food, health and safety seminar for their sector can register their interest through email via