NORTH Somerset's Clevedon Baptist Church are set to welcome more than 2,000 adults and children to participate in their annual 'Destination Bethlehem' Christmas event.

With a much larger volunteer team this time around, especially to cope with visits from eight local schools as well as the community, the church is excitedly preparing for the big day.

'Destination Bethlehem' will commence at Bethlehem Square.

Attendees can expect an atmospheric light show as angels descend on Earth to meet the shepherds.

In a humorous twist, a hole in the shepherd's bucket will lead to a thematic song to help the audience understand more about Christmas.

Further entertainment includes a narration by the church's associate, Dai Woolridge, about 'Festive Fred' and his journey to finding the ultimate gift.

North Somerset Times: The festive event opens to the public on the weekend of December 9 and 10

Participants will also have a link to the Cheeky Pandas studios, as well as encountering the wisemen, and a trip to the stable.

The event will also offer visitors the chance to delve deeper into the story of Jesus, while decorating gingerbread men in the Bethlehem Bakery.

The Bethlehem Game Zone will also feature a sheep counting contest with the shepherds, a score-based flying angels challenge, and a gold transportation task with the wisemen.

Rev Antony Wareham, Senior Minister at Clevedon Baptist Church, invites people to engage with the Christmas story in a "fun and interactive way".

Schools will be welcomed throughout the week, with the public gaining access on the weekend of December 9 and 10.

Free tickets can be obtained through the Clevedon Baptist Church office, its website, or on social media.