TICKENHAM Church of England Primary School "continues to be a good school", says Ofsted.

The Clevedon Road school was inspected on October 12, 2023.

The Ofsted report reads: "Pupils are proud to attend Tickenham Primary School.

"They describe the school as a welcoming place, where there are lots of things to do. Pupils understand how the ‘Tickenham way’ helps them to be kind, respectful and to work hard.

"Parents speak highly about the school’s ‘family feel’ and the positive start children make. The school has high expectations for pupils’ behaviour.

"Pupils are polite and courteous. They are keen to demonstrate the school’s ‘gem powers’. Pupils understand how they help them to stay focused and to behave well.

"This starts in the early years where children are eager to learn, listen to instructions carefully and show high levels of respect to one another.

"Pupils feel safe. They value the positive relationships they have with staff. Pupils trust that adults will listen to them. They say that staff are there for them if they need to share any worries.

"Pupils enjoy the range of clubs on offer to them, such as book club and choir. They are proud to become house or sport captains and members of the school council. Pupils say these roles help everyone to work as a team and make the school a better place."

The school was also praised for the "clear systems" it has put in place for helping students with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

The inspector wrote: "The school has put in place clear systems to meet the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Individual pupil plans are precise. As a result, pupils with SEND learn the same curriculum as their peers."

It was noted that some parents of pupils with SEND have raised concerns about how the school communicates with them. Nevertheless, the school has plans in place to address this.

Attendance was also a highlight for the Ofsted inspector: "The school has high expectations for pupil attendance. The procedures for managing and improving attendance are effective. Leaders track attendance closely and intervene early to stop pupils having too much time off. As a result, pupils attend school regularly."

To improve, it was noted that those in charge need to monitor the impact that the curriculum can have in some subjects.