PLANS to install a novel hydro turbine and a dwelling at Tyntesfield Springs in Wraxall have been refused.

The plans were submitted by Dr. H. and Mrs. J. Pratt in April of this year.

If the plans were successful, the dwelling built would have been the first in the UK to be constructed to a design by Frank Lloyd Wright, an American designer and architect.

Despite its refusal, some people did support the plans.

Commenting in the council's planning portal, one person said: "I support Doctor Pratt's plans to build this house for a number of reasons. First and foremost because it is environmentally friendly.

"I see many new housing developments which have few houses with solar panels, which in light of climate change concerns borders on being criminal and is a lost opportunity to show commitment to this issue.

"Yet his house will use hydro power which will provide all the energy it requires and more. Also it is ground breaking in concept and will pave the way for others to follow therefor further benefitting the environment and helping to offset climate change."

Another added: "Although the building would be of great interest to many people, it will be hidden from view and should not impact upon the neighbours, some of whom are clearly not keen on innovative ideas or constructions."

Not everybody agreed, with one resident commenting: "This is just another development which encroaches on the Green Belt in our area. How can this be right?"

Echoing this sentiment, another added: "We strongly object to this application on grounds of it being an affront to Green Belt conservation; respect to the surrounding properties and the long-standing local enjoyment of a beautiful view and public walkway."

The council's Notice of Decision document outlines the reasons for refusal. Here are a couple of the reasons: "The proposed development is in isolated countryside, access to which is vehicle dependent. This is an unsustainable location for a dwelling, which is contrary to the council's spatial strategy set out in policies CS14 and CS33 of the North Somerset Core Strategy.

"The proposed development, by reason of the dwelling, is inappropriate development in the Green Belt. It would harm the spatial and visual openness of the Green Belt, and it would conflict with the purposes of including land in the Green Belt."