A NUMBER of Clevedon residents have been living in a "nightmare" after rats set up camp in a property on Marson Road.

The incident was first reported to the Weston Mercury back in 2016. At the time, homeowners in Marson Road complained they could no longer open their windows through fear of rats getting in.

In 2016, May McManus said that the property next door had been empty for over a decade, and in that time rats had used it as a breeding ground.

North Somerset Council had placed a Community Protection Warning (CPW) on the property’s owner, but, as of 2016, nothing had been done.

Speaking at the time, May said: “I have lived here for 25 years and don’t get involved with what the neighbours do but the house has just gone to rack and ruin.

“About two years ago I saw a rat in my garden so I immediately called pest control.

“I could hear scuttling because this house is attached by cellars and an attic and the airing cupboard door was rattling.

“I used to go in when I could and clean the front garden which seemed to quieten things down a little bit.

“About three or four months ago I called again and said there were rats in the garden.

“Rats were coming up pipes and going to my dog’s dish in the middle of the night to get her biscuits.

“The council came about three weeks ago and had a look around but no-one has actually been in that house.

“I feel like I’m at the end of my tether – I just feel like running away.”

Now, seven years later, the problem is still very much there.

Speaking in present day, May added: "It's a nightmare.

"It feels like you're hitting your head against a brick wall. Nothing has been done since 2016.

"It's like the council don't seem to want to do anything.

"Enough is enough."

May has also been dealing with a range of other issues. Recently, a window from the next door property, which was unoccupied until earlier this year, had come out of its pane and blown over into her garden. Luckily, no one was injured.

Pipe water from the property has also been flooding her garden.

A spokesperson from North Somerset Council said: "We are aware of the issues and visited Marson Road last week.

"The drains have also been inspected by the landlord’s builder and our housing team are looking into whether there is anything they can do to help resolve the situation."