A SEAT has become available on North Somerset Council following the resignation of Cllr Steve Hogg.

A by-election will be held on Thursday, November 16.

Posting on Facebook, Cllr Hogg, who represented the Wrington ward, said: "Well folks, that’s a wrap. After four and a bit years serving as your district councillor, I have written to North Somerset Council today to tender my resignation.

"Despite the challenges that come with the role, I have loved my time as DC for Wrington, Redhill, Butcombe, Cleeve & Brockley, and briefly as cabinet member for highways and transport. I have especially enjoyed helping residents with their issues and worries, from the very smallest to the very biggest.

"Perhaps not everyone has agreed with everything I have said, done or stood for, but I hope you know that there hasn’t been a single day throughout that period when I haven’t been working on behalf of residents both in my ward, and across North Somerset.

"You’ve had 100% honesty from me, 100% of the time. Whether you liked it or not.

"I’ve made a lot of lovely friendships and connections during my time as councillor. I’m only stepping down now as we have recently moved to Wells.

"It’s important that you are represented locally, and try as I might, it’s hard to maintain the same enthusiasm from 15 miles away.

"So take care of yourselves. And most importantly take care of each other. Look for the good in people. Don’t judge those whose lives are different from yours. Everyone has a right to an opinion, but you don’t own the facts.

"Check your privilege from time to time. Be tolerant of differing opinions and accept those who may disagree. We are all different. That’s what makes us so special, innit?"