NORTH Somerset's Freelance Mum hub has held its first "fab" netwalk this term.

The walk took place in Clevedon and was attended by mothers and businesswomen from across the region.

Posting on Facebook, a spokesperson from Freelance Mum said: "The North Somerset hub kicked off the first of our netwalks this term - with a fab netwalk in Clevedon!

"There was a blissful addition of a cool sea breeze, as our fab Freelance Mum Fairies Amy & Adele from Anorak Cat Web Design and Superfunkypenguin_businessphotography, hosted the day.

"It was a great start after the summer break, catching up with familiar faces and getting to know a few new ones too.

North Somerset Times: The walks encourage local businesswomen to network.The walks encourage local businesswomen to network. (Image: Freelance Mum)

"We started off with an ice-breaker to help us reflect on the summer, and how we’re feeling about the months ahead.

"Our final focus question was by Jen Maynard, who also set us off on our activity once we’d arrived at the Little Harp. Jen led us brilliantly through how to refocus on our businesses and how to reframe our thinking about ourselves as business people to help us achieve success.

"She led us through an exercise to help us form new habits by habit stacking, which was really helpful.

"Hana Bagsik talked us through where she is in her business, the lessons she’s learned and where she’s aiming for next during our 'five minutes with' slot.

"After the netwalk, some members decided to head to the marine lake for an informal netswim, which was a very refreshing end to the morning.

"It was one of those reaffirming, amazing days - great to be connected with amazing women, focus on our businesses and connect with nature."

Faye Dicker, the founder of Freelance Mum in 2013, said: “The fresh air and focus questions are an important part of Freelance Mum, it’s well recognised the importance of connecting with nature for our well-being and clarity.

"In a world where everything can feel fast paced, it’s even more important to take some time out and connect with fellow business owners who are on the same page.

"The focus questions keep conversation on track and help members get the most from the sessions.”