OVER 1,000 people have attended the Emergency Services Open Day at Nailsea Fire Station.

Firefighters, along with other emergency service personnel, educated the local community on the work that they do and hopefully inspired the next generation of the blue light family on Sunday, September 3.

Speaking in a thank you video on Nailsea Firefighters' Facebook page, the organising team said: "We just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who was involved in planning and putting together our Emergency Services Day here at Nailsea.

"Thank you to the police, ambulance service, coastguard, advanced driving and Wessex 4x4 who all came along to support; we couldn't have done it without you."

Emergency crews showcased car extrications and other manoeuvres, whilst attendees took part in car washes and colouring-in.

Local residents have taken to Facebook to show their appreciation, with one comment saying: "It was brilliant and I really enjoyed it, thank you to our local heroes."