A PRE-SCHOOL in Yatton has retained its 'Good' Ofsted rating.

St Mary's Church Pre-School, which is located on Church Road, was inspected on June 26.

The Ofsted report reads: "Children arrive happy and excited to start their day. They part from their parents with a wave and are greeted by waiting staff. Children understand the expectations of the pre-school.

"For example, they know to hang their coat and put their lunch boxes where they are stored. Older children can recognise their name and confidently self-register, with some children independently writing their name before entering the welcoming and intriguing play space.

"The curriculum is designed to ensure that children are ready for school. Staff use children's interests to promote and develop these skills. Books and stories are used as a hook for learning, supporting language development and a love of stories.

"Children sing songs and rhymes and have access to audio books that they listen to with staff, or books they can independently choose in the story corner. This helps to develop children's early literacy skills.

"Children behave well and show good levels of care and concern for others as they offer to help one another. Staff are skilful at knowing when to intervene and when to step back and allow children to resolve their own disputes.

"This helps children learn how to compromise as they listen to one another and agree a way forward. For example, they learn to take turns and share popular resources."

The school's safeguarding policies were also deemed "effective". The inspector adds: "The manager and staff are aware of their responsibilities to protect children from harm and abuse.

"They are aware of the procedures to follow should they have a safeguarding concern about children or a staff member.

"Staff are confident in approaching their designated safeguarding lead or the local authority to keep children safe. Children are supervised closely by staff.

"The premises are secure and risk assessments are completed. Staff are alert to any potential hazards or risks within the environment."

It was noted that, to improve, support staff need to recognise when daily routines or activities for children need to be adapted to help pupils to stay engaged.

Children need to be provided with clear and consistent messages to help them maintain positive behaviours.