PORTISHEAD'S beaches have seen a mass clean-up following the 30th anniversary of A-Gas.

The Bristol-born company is a global leader in the supply and lifecycle management of refrigerants, helping customers to make the move to more environmentally-friendly products.

The team launched their 30 hours in 30 years project, which saw them collaborate with Turn The Tide to carry out two local beach cleans.

Turn The Tide organise monthly beach cleans, focusing on removing single use plastic and litter from these spaces.

Over the course of two weeks, A-Gas employees committed to carrying out 30 hours of local litter picking, covering Portishead’s beaches and the town’s nature reserve.

The teams from Portbury and Portishead managed to fill an impressive 37 bags of waste, much of which could have harmed wildlife if left.

A-Gas also donated £100 to Turn The Tide so that they can continue with their work.