NOAH'S Ark Zoo Farm is calling on Somerset residents to support their conservation efforts by adopting a capybara.

According to National Geographic, these semi-aquatic mammals aren't considered to be endangered, however some populations have been entirely wiped out due to people hunting them for their skin.

As with many species, habitat loss is also a constant threat.

A £50 adoption of these South American giant rodents include:

  • A toy of your animal.
  • A Adult Day Ticket to visit your adopted animal.
  • A photo of your animal.
  • A certificate.
  • A thank you letter.
  • Your name displayed at the animal exhibit (name will be displayed at the beginning of the following month and will be displayed for 12 months).
  • A fact sheet.
  • A fridge magnet.

It is important to note that all adoptions go towards a specific species as opposed to an individual animal.

To learn more, visit the Noah's Ark Zoo Farm website.