CHURCHES in Clevedon are set to open as 'warm banks' this winter. 

As the rising cost-of-living is set to rear its ugly head again from tomorrow, October 1, when the energy price cap rises, many families will find it hard to heat their homes. 

An estimated 16.4million people will be in fuel poverty this winter.

Now Churches Together, in Clevedon, are preparing to offer a 'warm welcome' to those who may have to choose between 'heating and eating' in the coming months. 

The places of worship will support people to not just warmth, but internet and food in a safe setting. 

From October 10, Clevedon Baptist Church, on Station Road, will offer free soup, games, television and free WiFi every Monday between 10am and 4pm.

Kenn Road Methodist Church also holds a community cafe from 10am to 12pm on Mondays too.

Christchurch, on Chapel Hill, will hope to welcome people every Wednesday from October 14. 

On Fridays at 11am, St Andrew's church, Old Church Road, will offer a range of activities, hot food and drinks.

Others can also donate a venue for use as a 'warm bank' by registering on

North Somerset Council confirmed it is also looking to open 'warm banks' across the district this winter too.