Have you entered our On The Money competition yet?

This is the final week of the four-week giveaway which has seen hundreds of pounds worth of prizes given to our lucky winners.

Each week there have been 10 prizes on offer, with readers asked to find their value, which has been printed in advertisements in the paper, and fill out the application form either in the paper or online.

Unfortunately due to late changes in this week’s Times the advert for D&D Office Supplies has not been featured.

This included the price for the Decopatch item which features as item 9 in this week’s On The Money Competition.

For those entering the competition, entries will be accepted without the price of this item included and also entries from anyone who includes the price, which is £39.99.

We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused our readers.

For more information about the product and D&D Office Supplies visit the company’s website.

To find out more about how to enter simply click here.