PLANS have been submitted to convert an office building used by three businesses into 14 one bed and studio apartments in Clevedon.

The planning application for Sud Building on 22A Griffin Road was validated Wednesday, April 10.

Currently, the offices are used by Harris Sport, Metro Printing & Embroidery, and Yoga Studio.

The application's planning statement, prepared on behalf of BP Builds Limited, reads: "This Statement has been prepared on behalf of our client, BP Builds Limited, in support of a Prior Approval application for the change of use of the existing building at 22A Griffin Road, Clevedon, BS21 6HH (the site), from Class E (commercial, business and service) to Class C3 (dwellinghouses).

"The application is submitted for consideration to North Somerset Council. Specifically, the development will deliver 14no. high quality apartments, contributing to the supply of the borough’s housing stock.

"The approved works under the previous planning permission (ref. 23/P/2073/FUL) are currently underway.

"The property is currently used as offices for three businesses: 'Harris Sport', 'Metro Printing & Embroidery', and 'Yoga Studio'.

"The applicant anticipates that these existing tenancies will conclude in accordance with the terms of their respective lease agreements.

"Once the current tenancies have run their course, the property would be well-suited for the proposed change of use to residential."


Here are some of the other planning applications submitted to the council this week



Non material amendment to application 22/P/2991/RM (Reserved matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of 25no. dwellings pursuant to outline permission 21/P/2123/OUT (outline application for the erection of up to 25no. dwellings with details of access and associated works (all other matters of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved for subsequent approval) to allow for: 1. Rotation of parking spaces to plot 15. 2. New roof tile colour to Plots 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 20 and 21. 3. Amendments to plot boundaries and 4. Railing design around public open space on Land At Dinghurst Road.


Prior approval request for the erection of a single storey rear extension with a pitched roof that would 1) extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 4.75 metres; 2) have a maximum height of 3.00 metres and 3) have eaves that are 2.40 metres high on 14 Wetlands Lane.


Request to discharge condition numbers 6 (Construction Method Statement) and 8 (Surface Water Drainage Details) on application 21/P/1142/FUL on 31 Old Street.

Proposed removal of existing chimneys and rear lean-to. Erection of single storey rear and side extensions, creation of a rear flat-roof dormer and pergola to the side elevation. Fenestration alterations, including the replacement, removal and installation of windows and doors, alongside the replacement of existing front bay-window with new. Landscaping alterations including the removal of all existing rear ponds, alteration to rear paving and placement of cycle storage to the rear of the property alongside the creation of new vehicular access and off-street parking to the front of the property on 22 Bennetts Way.


Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of replacement self-build dwelling, alterations to existing garage and ancillary works on Birchwood Cadbury Camp Lane.


Proposed construction of an equestrian manège adjacent to Dinghurst Cottage on Dinghurst Cottage The Batch.


Demolition of the existing rear steps and proposed erection of a single storey rear extension on 86 High Street.

Flax Bourton

Proposed erection of a two storey extension and single storey garage to the front elevation, together with a single storey rear extension and associated external works on 21 Clevedon Road.

Request to discharge condition number 15 (Drainage Details) and 20 (Boundary Walls) on application 21/P/1843/FUL on Gatcombe Farm Gatcombe Lane. 


Proposed removal of existing overhanging roof at the North elevation, installation of 2no. rooflights and erection of a canopy porch to the North elevation. Relocation of existing wood-burner flue and fenestration alterations including the removal, replacement and installation of windows and doors to all elevations on Crows Nest Cecil Road.

Proposed removal of 2no. concrete bollards and creation of new vehicular access on 369B Locking Road.